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What is React Native & Why We Used it

What is React Native & Why We Used it

React Native is a popular framework for building mobile applications using JavaScript. It was developed by Facebook in 2015 and has since become a widely used tool for building efficient and high-performing apps for both iOS and Android platforms. It uses the same design as React, making it easy to learn for developers who are already familiar with the framework.

What is React Native?

React Native, often abbreviated as RN, is a distinguished JavaScript-based mobile app framework that facilitates the crafting of native-rendered applications for platforms like iOS and Android. By leveraging a single codebase, this innovative framework simplifies the process of developing applications that run seamlessly across different platforms.

Introduced to the world as an open-source venture by Facebook in 2015, React Native swiftly gained traction, emerging as a preferred choice for mobile development. It’s the driving force behind numerous renowned mobile applications, including but not limited to Instagram, Facebook, and Skype.

The widespread acclaim and adoption of React Native can be traced back to several pivotal attributes.

Firstly, React Native’s unique capability to write code once and implement it across both iOS and Android platforms results in substantial efficiencies in both time and resources, a quality highly valued in today’s fast-paced development landscape.

Secondly, React Native’s foundation on React, a JavaScript library that enjoyed immense popularity at the time of the framework’s release, played a crucial role in its rapid acceptance within the developer community. The nuances that differentiate React and React Native are a subject of interest and are explored further in various discussions.

Thirdly, it extended new opportunities to frontend developers, who were previously limited to web technologies, enabling them to construct sturdy, ready-for-market mobile applications.

React Native’s evolution from a novel concept to a globally recognized framework illustrates the transformative power of innovative thinking and technological agility. Its ability to bridge the gap between different platforms while maintaining native performance continues to make it a sought-after solution in the ever-evolving world of mobile app development.

The History of React Native

Its history is a fascinating journey that reflects innovation, adaptability, and the ever-evolving nature of technology. Here’s a detailed look at the timeline and significant milestone:

1. The Birth (2013-2015)

  • 2013: The idea for React Native originated at a Facebook internal hackathon. The goal was to bring the benefits of web development, including fast iterations, to the mobile environment.
  • January 2015: React Native was officially announced by Facebook at the React.js Conf. The announcement included a demonstration of a live prototype that showcased real-time updates to an iOS simulator.
  • March 2015: Facebook open-sourced React Native, releasing it on GitHub. The initial release supported iOS development only.

2. Expansion and Growth (2015-2017)

  • September 2015: Android support was added, making React Native a truly cross-platform framework.
  • 2016: The adoption of React Native grew rapidly, with companies like Airbnb, Tesla, and Walmart integrating it into their mobile development.
  • 2017: Facebook continued to invest in improving React Native, focusing on performance, stability, and adding new features. The community also contributed by creating libraries and tools.

3. Challenges and Re-architecture (2018-2019)

  • 2018: Some companies, including Airbnb, announced moving away from React Native, citing challenges with maintaining a hybrid codebase.
  • June 2018: Facebook announced a major re-architecture of React Native to address some of the core issues and improve the framework’s flexibility and integration with native modules.
  • 2019: The re-architecture, known as “The Fabric Project,” began to take shape, with incremental updates and enhancements.

4. Continued Evolution and Community Engagement (2020-Present)

  • 2020: React Native continued to mature, with improvements in performance, developer experience, and community engagement.
  • 2021: With a strong focus on community-driven development, it has fostered an ecosystem that encourages contributions, collaboration, and the creation of third-party plugins and libraries.

Features of React Native

It has several features, making it a powerful and efficient tool for developers. Some of the critical features include the following:

Cross-platform compatibility

The first feature is its ability to build apps that can run on both iOS and Android platforms. This saves developers the time and resources it would take to build separate apps for each platform.

Native performance

It uses native rather than web components, resulting in better end-user performance. This is because native components are specifically designed to work with each platform, whereas web components must be translated, which can cause delays.

Reusable code

Another benefit is that developers can reuse code across platforms, which saves even more time and resources. This is made possible thanks to using a common language (JavaScript) and the ability to write platform-specific code when needed.

Hot reloading

React Native’s hot reloading feature allows developers to make changes to the code and see the results in real-time without manually rebuilding the app. This speeds up the development process and makes testing and debugging code easier.

Strong community support

It has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the project, share knowledge, and help troubleshoot issues. This makes it easier for developers to get help and stay updated with the latest developments in the framework.

Why ZEGOCLOUD SDK for React Native?

We are pleased with our decision to use React Native for our real-time cloud infrastructure. Its cross-platform compatibility, native performance, reusable code, hot reloading, and strong community support have proven invaluable assets in the development process.

At ZEGOCLOUD, we understand the importance of having a reliable and efficient video call API for your React Native app. Our API is designed to provide developers with the tools to quickly build high-quality, performant apps that can run on iOS and Android platforms.

With the API, developers can build custom solutions that connect to ZEGOCLOUD’s cloud-based platform and take advantage of its many features. We are

Overall, the ZEGOCLOUD API is a powerful tool that enables developers to build custom solutions that take advantage of the many features of the ZEGOCLOUD platform. Whether you need real-time communication, support for multiple protocols, or scalable performance, the ZEGOCLOUD API has you covered.


React Native enables code reuse across platforms and the creation of native-feeling apps. It is efficient and easy to learn, making it a good choice for developers familiar with React.

ZEGOCLOUD is a well-known provider of various services, including audio and video chat, texting, live stream communications, and more. They also offer entertainment options such as games, music, and movies. You can sign up to receive 10,000 free minutes.

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