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iconLeader of Video Platform as a Service
< Our Products /_
The Unstoppable Interaction Growth Engine Purposefully Built for Your App Success
ZEGOCLOUD accelerates your app's growth with our suite of interaction mastery products and extensions.
Video Call
Voice Call
Live Streaming
In-app Chat
Cloud Recording
<API >
AI Effects
Super Board
Digital Human
< Design for Every Team /_

One-Size Fits None

Catering to All Devs with SDKs and UIKits

For Crafters
Fully customized with SDKs
Leverage flexible SDKs to unlock unparalleled levels of customization and control over your real-time communication experiences.
Supreme integration flexibility
Enable complete customization of functionalities by seamlessly integrating any SDK or API without constraints using our SDK.
Boundless UI/UX customization potential
Craft singularly impressive UI experiences tailored to your product's distinctive look and brand identity, unrestrained by API limitations.
Low-level control and adaptability
Gain unrestricted low-level API access to tailor fully customized experiences for your unique product, with seamless extensibility as needs evolve.
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For Racers
Easier and faster with UIKits
Accelerate app delivery with pre-built UIKits and UI Components - pre-designed UI assets enabling rapid app development without starting from scratch.
No need to start building from scratch
20+ Pre-built UIKits let you create engaging apps in the shortest possible time for any use case and device.
Ready-made UI components
Get covered with ready-made UI components for building a feature-rich communication experience. Assemble them based on your needs.
Bring MVP to market for funding faster
UIKits can help you demo a concept prototype to show investors what you want to build if you're actively seeking funding.
Explore all UIKits
< Step-by-Step Focus /_
You're Not Alone on Your Journey to Success
From inception to launch, ZEGOCLOUD stands as your steadfast partner, accompanying you every step of the way on your path to success
Product Design
Industry-Specific Playbooks Unlocking
Transformative Growth
ZEGOCLOUD's tailored industry solutions have driven 30% higher user engagement for leading social apps, setting new benchmarks across diverse verticals.
Case studies
Build engaging social apps where users love to stay and connect
Fuel your growth with high-quality real-time voice and video services and social app best practices.
Social live streaming
Live audio room
1-on-1 paid video call
Mini-game center
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Amplify engagement in your gaming apps
Leverage real-time voice, video, and messaging to cultivate vibrant player communities and boost long-term retention.
3D spatial audio
Dynamic audio effects
10K multi-person voice chat
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Make every virtual class easy, engaging, and productive
Use real-time audio and video SDKs to improve online education, enrich student learning, and drive growth in virtual classrooms.
1-on-1 tutoring
Live streaming class
Online proctoring
Hybrid learning
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Add stunning live streaming to your e-commerce platform
Revolutionize e-commerce with live stream shopping experiences. Real-time video connects, drives sales, and fuels growth.
Shoppable live streams
Live auctions
Shop together
Video chat customer service
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Craft patient-centric healthcare apps with real-time communication
Empower better patient outcomes by integrating feature-rich voice and video chat SDKs and APIs.
1-on-1 consultation
Online dentist
Online therapy
Healthcare event streaming
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Create dynamic spaces for effortless remote collaboration
Simplify virtual collaboration with seamless integration. Elevate meetings, sharing, and teamwork to new heights.
Live webinar
Audio spaces
Online whiteboard
Screen sharing
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Reimagine astrological experiences - Interactive online
Utilize video and voice SDKs to deliver astrological consultations that rival in-person sessions and drive lasting client engagement.
Private consultation
Live astrological event streaming
Voice chat room
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Collaborate with our experts to turn requirements into solutions, bridging gaps with industry knowledge and hands-on experience, advancing towards achievement.

gou.png Industry research
gou.png Solution proposals
gou.png Pain point analysis
gou.png 1-on-1 communication
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Developer-Friendly SDKs, APIs, Resources, and Supportive Tech Guidance
Venture into the developer hub to unleash the full potential of real-time capabilities. Expedite your projects using custom-tailored learning resources and one-on-one expert mentorship.
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/ Embed real-time voice and video with a few lines of code:_
Android Android
Web Web
Flutter Flutter
React Native React Native
Windows Windows
macOS macOS
Electron Electron
val engine = ZegoExpressEngine.createEngine(yourAppID, yourAppSign)
engine.loginRoom(roomID, user)
engine.startPlayingStream(streamID, ZegoCanvas(play_view))
Robust Platform Fortifying Business Expansion, Backed by Proven Security
Scale with the ZEGOCLOUD Independent Hosting RTC Services. Our infrastructure comprises a robust global multi-cloud communication network, ensuring superior audiovisual communication experiences and service stability for all devices, across any network, worldwide.
High availability and rapid scalability
99.99% of uptime and the capability to scale out in seconds to handle tens of millions of concurrent stream subscriptions.
Ultra-low latency and high network resilience
300ms of average global latency, with the best record of 79ms. Smooth voice and video experience even under weak network conditions with up to 70% packet loss rate.
Data Security and User Privacy
We've implemented industry-standard security measures and obtained recognized certifications, ensuring your data remains secure and compliant
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Real-time active participants
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Trusted by 4,000 businesses
500+ Million
End users annually
3+ Billion
Daily call minutes
countries and regions
500 +
icon_55 Global nodes
99.99 %
icon_66 Service uptime
79 ms
icon_77 The lowest latency
Loved by Developers, Trusted by Business
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We chose ZEGOCLOUD because of their excellent handling of complex global network environments, ensuring that users in over 100 countries on our app can have stable, low-latency social interaction no matter where they are.
Starmaker case study icon
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Powered by ZEGOCLOUD's reliable real-time audio and video technology, we provide millions of chat rooms for users in more than a hundred countries worldwide where they can have stable communication with others.
Yalla case study icon
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ZEGOCLOUD’s solution played a critical role in the rapid development and launch of Wanas. The seamless integration of voice chat functionality and excellent audio quality have resulted in a captivating and uninterrupted gaming experience for our users.
Tamatam case study icon