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How to Create an Android App

How to Create an Android App

Have you ever dreamed of creating your own Android app? Building an app for Android devices is more achievable than you might think, especially with the right tools and guidance. In this concise article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of developing an Android app from scratch. With the assistance of free software and basic coding skills, you’ll be able to bring your app concept to life in no time. So, let’s delve into the details and explore how to create an Android app!

What is Android App Development?

Making an Android app is a fantastic venture in today’s tech-savvy world. This process allows you to create fun and useful applications that can be used on gadgets like smartphones and tablets powered by Android. Imagine tapping into a vast network of over 2 billion Android users globally! This is a much wider audience compared to apps made only for Apple devices. Developing apps for Android means your creation can shine on numerous devices from different makers.

So, how to make an Android app? It’s not as hard as you might think! To kickstart your journey, you’ll need to grasp the basics of programming languages such as Java or Kotlin. These are the building blocks used to shape the app’s functions and look. Next, get your hands on Android Studio, the official platform for developing Android apps. It gives you all the necessary tools to craft, check, and fine-tune your apps.

Don’t worry if you’re a newbie; with the right guidance and tools, you can dive into the Android app development scene. You can even showcase your apps on Google Play, reaching millions of eager users. Whether whipping up straightforward apps or engaging games, mastering how to develop apps for Android is a prized skill in today’s mobile-centric universe.

What Programming Language Is Used for Android Apps?

Making apps for Android phones usually involves using a language called Java. Java is known for being simple, easy to take anywhere, and safe to use. It is the main programming language used to develop Android apps, and many of these apps are made with it.

There’s also Kotlin, which is becoming popular for making Android apps. Kotlin is designed to be simpler and more direct than Java. The best part is, that you can use Kotlin with Java in the same project.

While other programming languages such as C/C++, Python, and JavaScript can be used to develop Android apps, most people prefer using Java or Kotlin as they are considered the most suitable options.

If you’re thinking of trying to make Android apps, starting with Java might be a good idea. It has a big group of users and lots of resources to help you learn.

You may also like: What is the Difference Between C and C++?

How to Create an App for Android

In today’s digital age, creating an Android app that offers chat capabilities is a game-changer. With the ZEGOCLOUD SDK, developers can seamlessly integrate advanced chatting features into their applications. This guide will delve into the essentials of building an Android app using our chat SDK, from setting up the environment to implementing key features. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just starting out, this introduction will provide you with the tools and steps needed to create a dynamic chat platform like Microsoft Team Chat for your users.



  • A ZEGOCLOUD developer account — Sign up
  • Create a new project, acquire the AppID, and secure the AppSign.
  • Use Android Studio 2.1 or a newer version.
  • Have an Android gadget or a simulator that can handle video and audio.
  • Learn the fundamentals of developing Android apps.

1. Create a new project

The first step in making our chat app using the Zim SDK is to start a new project in Android Studio. If you already have an app, you can bypass this step:

1.1 Start Android Studio and go to File, then New, and finally choose Project.

how to make an android app

1.2 Type in the name of your app and pick where you want to save it.

develop android apps

1.3 It’s best to keep the other options as they are. Click on Next, followed by Finish.

2. Import the SDK

To add the SDK to your project, follow these simple steps below:

2.1 Get the newest version of the SDK from the SDK downloads section.

2.2 Unzip the SDK files into the designated area of your project, like app/libs.

2.3 Next, adjust the app/build.gradle file by including these details:

Include this ndk part in the defaultConfig section to indicate the supported ABIs:

ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'arm64-v8a', 'x86_64', 'x86'

In the Android section, introduce the sourceSets segment to pinpoint the folder where the SDK files are stored:

sourceSets {
main {
jniLibs.srcDirs = ['libs']

Lastly, add this piece of code in the dependencies section:

implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

3. Setting Up Permissions

3.1 adding permissions

Navigate to the folder app/src/main, find and open the AndroidManifest.xml file, and insert the code below:

<!-- The SDK needs these permissions -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

3.2 Avoiding Class Name Confusion

To stop the public class names of the ZEGO SDK from getting mixed up, insert this code in the file:

-keep class .zego.{*;}"

4. Import the class file

import im.zego.zim.ZIM

5. Create a ZIM SDK instance.

The first thing to do is to set up a ZIM instance; this is like having a user sign in to the system as a client. Imagine we have two users, A and B. To chat with each other, both need to use the create function with the AppID and AppSign you got from the earlier setup steps, so they each have their own ZIM SDK instance:

// Initialize ZIM SDK with AppID, AppSign, and application context.
ZIMAppConfig appConfig = new ZIMAppConfig();
appConfig.appID = 12345;
appConfig.appSign = "appSign";
zim = ZIM.create(appConfig, application);

6. Set an event handler object

Before a user logs in, you must use the setEventHandler method to set up an event handler. This lets you tailor event responses, so you can get alerts for SDK mistakes or message notifications.

zim.setEventHandler(new ZIMEventHandler() {
    public void onReceivePeerMessage(ZIM zim, ArrayList<ZIMMessage> messageList, String fromUserID) {
        // Handle the reception of one-to-one messages.

7. Log into the ZIM SDK

To let users A and B chat with each other using the ZIM SDK, they first need to sign in to the ZIM SDK.

Here’s how to do it:

7.1 Use the ZIMUserInfo method to make a new user profile.

7.2 Next, use the login method, adding their personal user details.

// userID: max 32 bytes, allowing letters, numbers, and specific characters.
// userName: max 64 bytes, no special character restrictions.
ZIMUserInfo zimUserInfo = new ZIMUserInfo();
zimUserInfo.userID = userID;
zimUserInfo.userName = userName;

// During login:
// For Token authentication, fill in the generated Token as per the Authentication doc.
// For AppSign authentication (default in v2.3.0+), leave the Token field empty.

zim.login(zimUserInfo, new ZIMLoggedInCallback() {
    public void onLoggedIn(ZIMError error) {
          // Determine login success from the ZIMError value.

8. Send one-to-one messages

Once signed in to the SDK, A and B can chat by using the sendPeerMessage method, including B’s userID and the message details. To see if a message was sent successfully, use the onMessageSent feedback. Here, A is messaging B.

// Below is the method to send a one-to-one message; set [conversationType] to [ZIMConversationTypePeer].
String conversationID = "xxxx";

ZIMTextMessage zimMessage = new ZIMTextMessage();
zimMessage.message = "Message content";

ZIMMessageSendConfig config = new ZIMMessageSendConfig();
// Set message priority: 1: Low (default), 2: Medium, 3: High.
config.priority = ZIMMessagePriority.LOW;
// Configure offline push notification.
ZIMPushConfig pushConfig = new ZIMPushConfig();
pushConfig.title = "Offline push title";
pushConfig.content= "Offline push content";
pushConfig.extendedData = "Offline push extra data";
config.pushConfig = pushConfig;

// In private chats, conversationID is the peer's userID. For group or room chats, it's groupID or roomID respectively.
zim.sendMessage(zimMessage, conversationID, ZIMConversationType.Peer,config, new ZIMMessageSentCallback() {
    public void onMessageAttached(ZIMMessage zimMessage){
         // Callback before a message is sent. Use the temporary object (same as created zimMessage object) as needed, e.g., for early UI display.
    public void onMessageSent(ZIMMessage zimMessage, ZIMError error) {
        // Handle the message sent event callback.

9. Receive one-to-one messages

Client B can get the message from Client A once they log in, thanks to the onReceivePeerMessage callback that was set up earlier in the setEventHandler method.

zim.setEventHandler(new ZIMEventHandler() {
    public void onReceivePeerMessage(ZIM zim, ArrayList<ZIMMessage> messageList, String fromUserID) {

      for (ZIMMessage zimMessage : messageList) {
          if (zimMessage instanceof ZIMTextMessage)
            ZIMTextMessage zimTextMessage = (ZIMTextMessage) zimMessage;
            Log.e(TAG, "Received message:"+ zimTextMessage.message);

10. Log out

Signing out of the ZIM SDK is easy; you just need to use the logout method.


11. Destroy the ZIM SDK instance

To remove the ZIM SDK instance, use the destroy method.


Run a Demo

You can get the demo app to check out what the Zim SDK can do.


Making an Android app may initially appear challenging, but with the appropriate resources and guidance, anyone can bring their app idea to life. This guide provides a clear, step-by-step approach to Android chat app creation, ensuring you understand the process thoroughly. By incorporating ZEGOCLOUD’s SDK, your app gains advanced real-time communication capabilities, ideal for creating robust video calls, voice calls, and live streaming applications.

Your journey towards successful Android app development is driven by passion and perseverance. Get started with ZEGOCLOUD and receive 10,000 free minutes to assist you in your Android app development! Sign up here.

Read more:


Q1: What are the basic requirements to start making an Android app?

To start making an Android app, you need a computer with Android Studio installed, basic knowledge of Java or Kotlin, and an understanding of Android’s app development framework.

Q2: How do I add real-time features like video calls to my Android app?

To add real-time features like video calls, integrate a reliable SDK like ZEGOCLOUD. Their SDK can help you easily implement video calling and live streaming functionalities.

Q3: What is the process for publishing my Android app on the Google Play Store?

To publish your app, create a developer account on Google Play, prepare your app with a signed APK or Android App Bundle, and submit it through the Google Play Console for review.

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