Send and receive messages
This document describes how to use the ZIM SDK to send and receive messages.
The following shows the access solution that ZEGOCLOUD'S In-app Chat (the ZIM SDK) provides.
In this solution, you will need to implement the following business logic based on your actual business requirements:
- The logic for managing the users on the client, and the logic for distributing user ID for users to log in.
- The logic for generating the Token for SDK to authenticate the user. We recommend you implement the logic for generating tokens on your app server for data security.
Before you begin, make sure:
Go to ZEGOCLOUD Admin Console, and do the following:
- Create a project, get the AppID and ServerSecret.
- Activate the In-app Chat service (as shown in the following figure).
Get the Token that SDK required for login authentication. For details, see Authentication.
Integrate the SDK
Optional: Create a new project
Skip to this step if a project already exists.
Import the SDK
Execute the
npm i zego-zim-web
command to install the dependencies.NoteIf the error
permission denied
occurs when executing the npm command on macOS or Linux, add asudo
before the npm command and try again. -
Import the SDK.
Untitledimport { ZIM } from 'zego-zim-web';
Untitledconst ZIM = require('zego-zim-web').ZIM;
Implementation steps
Get the sample code
To download and run the sample code, see Sample app.
Import the SDK file
Refer to the Method 2: Integrate the SDK with NPM to import the SDK package file.
Create a ZIM SDK instance
Creating a ZIM instance is the very first step, an instance corresponds to a user logging in to the system as a client.
So, let's suppose we have two clients now, client A and client B. To send and receive messages to each other, both of them will need to call the create method with the AppID in the previous Prerequisites steps to create a ZIM SDK instance of their own:
var appID = xxxx; // Note: the appID is a set of numbers, not a String.
// The [create] method creates a ZIM instance only on the first call. Any subsequent calls return null.
ZIM.create({ appID });
// Get the instance via [getInstance] to avoid hot updates that cause you to use the [create] method multiple times to create a singleton and return null.
var zim = ZIM.getInstance();
Set event callbacks
Before a client user's login, you will need to call the on method to customize the event callbacks, such as you can receive callback notifications when SDK errors occur or receiving message related callback notifications.
// Set up and listen for the callback for receiving error codes.
zim.on('error', function (zim, errorInfo) {
console.log('error', errorInfo.code, errorInfo.message);
// Set up and listen for the callback for connection status changes.
zim.on('connectionStateChanged', function (zim, { state, event, extendedData }) {
console.log('connectionStateChanged', state, event, extendedData);
// When SDK logout occurred due to a long-time network disconnection, you will need to log in again.
if (state == 0 && event == 3) {
zim.login(userInfo, token)
// Set up and listen for the callback for receiving one-to-one messages.
zim.on('receivePeerMessage', function (zim, { messageList, fromConversationID }) {
console.log('receivePeerMessage', messageList, fromConversationID);
// Set up and listen for the callback for token expires.
zim.on('tokenWillExpire', function (zim, { second }) {
console.log('tokenWillExpire', second);
// You can call the renewToken method to renew the token.
// To generate a new Token, refer to the Prerequisites.
.then(function({ token }){
// Renewed successfully.
// Renew failed.
Log in to the ZIM SDK
For client A and client B to send, receive messages, and renew the token after creating the ZIM SDK instance, they will need to log in to the ZIM SDK.
To log in, Clients A and B both need to do the following:
- Call the ZIMUserInfo method to create a user object.
- Then, call the login method with their own user information and the Token they get in the previous Prerequisites steps.
- You can custom the userID and userName, and we recommend you set these two to a meaningful value and associate them with the account system of your application.
- If the token has expired, you will need to call the renewToken method in the tokenWillExpire method to renew the token before you try again.
// To get the token for login, refer to the [Guides - Authentication] document.
// userID must be within 32 bytes, and can only contain letters, numbers, and the following special characters: '~', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '+', '=', '-', '`', ';', '’', ',', '.', '<', '>', '/', '\'.
// userName must be within 256 bytes, no special characters limited.
var userInfo = { userID: 'xxxx', userName: 'xxxx' };
var token = '';
zim.login(userInfo, token)
.then(function () {
// Login successful.
.catch(function (err) {
// Login failed.
Send messages
Client A can send messages to client B after logging in successfully.
Message type | Description | Details |
ZIMTextMessage(1) | Text message. Size limit: 32 KB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. | Enable messages to be more deliverable, and can be stored as message history. Suitable for one-on-one chat and group chat. |
ZIMCommandMessage(2) | Customizable signaling message. Size limit: 5 KB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. | Supports massive concurrency. Suitable for live audio room, online classroom, the messages won't be stored after the room is destroyed. |
ZIMBarrageMessage(20) | In-room barrage message (bullet) screen message). Size limit: 5 KB. No specific rate limit. | The high-frequency messages that don't require 100% deliverability, this message type is often used to send bullet screen messages. Supports massive concurrency, but the message deliverability can't be guaranteed. |
ZIMImageMessage(11) | Image message. Supports major image formats, including JPG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, and GIF. Size limit: 10 MB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. | Enable messages to be more deliverable, and can be stored as history messages. Suitable for one-on-one chat, room chat, and group chat. |
ZIMFileMessage(12) | File message. Supports files in any format. Size limit: 100 MB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. | |
ZIMAudioMessage(13) | Voice message. Supports voice messages in MP3 format within 300 seconds. Size limit: 6 MB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. | |
ZIMVideoMessage(14) | Video message. Supports video messages in MP4 or MOV format. Size limit: 100 MB. Rate limit: 10 requests/second. |
To send one-to-one messages, for example, if client A wants to send a message to client B, then client A needs to call the sendMessage method with client B's userID, message content, and other info. And client A can be notified whether the message is delivered successfully through the callback ZIMMessageSentResult.
- onMessageAttached callback: The callback on the message not sent yet. Before the message is sent, you can get a temporary ZIMMessage message for you to implement your business logic as needed. For example, you can get the ID of the message before sending it. Or when sending a message with large content, such as a video, you can get the localMessageID of the message before the message is uploaded to implement a Loading UI effect.
// Send one-to-one text messages.
var toConversationID = ''; // Peer user's ID.
var conversationType = 0; // Message type; 1-on- chat: 0, in-room chat: 1, group chat:2
var config = {
priority: 1, // Set priority for the message. 1: Low (by default). 2: Medium. 3: High.
var messageTextObj = { type: 1, message: 'Message text', extendedData: 'Message extended info(optional)' };
var notification = {
onMessageAttached: function(message) {
// todo: Loading
zim.sendMessage(messageTextObj, toConversationID, conversationType, config, notification)
.then(function ({ message }) {
// Message sent successfully.
.catch(function (err) {
// Failed to send a message.
Receive messages
After client B logs in, he will receive client A's message through the callback on which is already set in the receivePeerMessage method.
// Set up and listen for the callback for receiving the one-to-one messages.
zim.on('receivePeerMessage', function (zim, { messageList, fromConversationID }) {
console.log('receivePeerMessage', messageList, fromConversationID);
Log out
For a client to log out, call the logout method.
Destroy the ZIM SDK instance
To destroy the ZIM SDK instance, call the destroy method.