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Build your virtual self

Create a personalized and unique virtual avatar as your digital identity to explore the virtual world.

With accurate facial features recognition, the solution rapidly generates a 3D face model based on your photo.

With accurate facial features recognition, the solution rapidly generates a 3D face model based on your photo.

By adjusting multi-dimensional facial feature parameters, everyone can create a unique avatar.

By adjusting multi-dimensional facial feature parameters, everyone can create a unique avatar.

With rich pre-built materials such as clothing, accessories, and virtual makeup, you can fully express your style through your avatar.

With rich pre-built materials such as clothing, accessories, and virtual makeup, you can fully express your style through your avatar.

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Express your emotions naturally in the virtual world with the power of AI

With various AI-power technologies such as facial expression mirroring, speech simulation, hand gesture recognition, and human body pose recognition, virtual avatars connect virtual reality with the real world, enabling users to naturally express their real emotions in the virtual world.

Facial expression mirroring

Facial expression mirroring

Capture and mirror the user's facial expressions to their avatar in real time. The avatar takes on the same expressions as the user in real time.

Speech simulation

Speech simulation

Capture the user's speech to drive the avatar's facial and mouth movements in real time. The avatar takes on the same shape of the user's mouth.

Gesture recognition

Gesture recognition

Recognize specific hand gestures of the user and control the avatar to perform the corresponding movements and facial expressions.

Body pose recognition

Body pose recognition

Recognize specific body poses of the user and control the avatar to perform the corresponding movements and facial expressions.

Facial expression mirroring

Want to know more about ZEGO Avatar?

Use the ZEGO Avatar SDK to add our avatar creator to your app.

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Build customized avatars for diverse scenarios, capture opportunities in the metaverse

Virtual voice chatsVirtual voice chats
Virtual live streamingVirtual live streaming
Virtual karaokeVirtual karaoke
Virtual worldsVirtual worlds
Virtual meetingsVirtual meetings
Virtual voice chats

Virtual voice chats

With virtual avatars, users feel more at ease in virtual social interactions.

  • Avatar customization
  • Speech simulation
  • Facial expression mirroring
  • Low-latency, stutter-free audio/video calls with accurate audio-video synchronization

Avatar styles and materials can be customized to match your business scenario

Our avatar solution lets you create customized avatars of various styles, including Cute, Anime, Comics, Games, Realistic, and more, with corresponding clothing, virtual makeup, and other materials. We also provide art materials customization service to help you tailor your metaverse to your specific requirements.

Let's create a new way to play the meta universe together
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