This guide describes how to integrate the SDK and implement a basic one-on-one video call using ZEGOCLOUD's Video Call SDK.
Before you begin, make sure you complete the following:
flutter pub add zego_express_engine
import 'package:zego_express_engine/zego_express_engine.dart';
Here is a downloadable demo code that can be used as a reference when developing your app.
Create a UI for video calls for your project based on your scenario requirements. We recommend you add the following UI elements to your project:
class CallPage extends StatefulWidget {
const CallPage({super.key});
State<CallPage> createState() => _CallPageState();
class _CallPageState extends State<CallPage> {
Widget? localView;
Widget? remoteView;
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: const Text("Call Page")),
body: Stack(
children: [
localView ?? Container(),
top: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 20,
right: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 20,
child: SizedBox(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
child: AspectRatio(
aspectRatio: 9.0 / 16.0,
child: remoteView ?? Container(color: Colors.transparent),
bottom: MediaQuery.of(context).size.height / 20,
left: 0,
right: 0,
child: SizedBox(
width: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
height: MediaQuery.of(context).size.width / 3,
child: Row(
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
style: ElevatedButton.styleFrom(shape: const CircleBorder(), backgroundColor:,
onPressed: () => Navigator.pop(context),
child: const Center(child: Icon(Icons.call_end, size: 32)),
The following diagram shows the basic process of User A playing a stream published by User B:
For a better understanding, you can check the key concepts of Video Call SDK:
First, call the createEngineWithProfile
method to initialize the Video Call SDK. And config the following:
: the ZegoEngineProfile object, used to config the appID and appSign, as well as the scenario you are applying the SDK to. To destroy the SDK and release the resources it occupies, call the destroy
Future<void> createEngine() async {
// Get your AppID and AppSign from ZEGOCLOUD Console
//[My Projects -> AppID] :
await ZegoExpressEngine.createEngineWithProfile(ZegoEngineProfile(
appSign: kIsWeb ? null : appSign,
Implement the ZegoEventHandler
event handler to listen for event callbacks, such as the event callback on the updates when the in-room streams are added or deleted, the updates when in-room participants log in or log out, the updates when room connection state changes, and more.
: Callback for updates on the status of the streams in the room. When new streams are published to the room or existing streams in the room stop, the SDK sends out the event notification through this callback. You can call startPlayStream()
and stopPlayStream()
methods in this callback.
: Callback for updates on current room connection status. When the current room connection status changes (for example, when the current user is disconnected from the room or login authentication fails), the SDK sends out the event notification through this callback.
: Callback for updates on the status of other users in the room. When other users log in or log out of the room, the SDK sends out the event notification through this callback.
void startListenEvent() {
// Callback for updates on the status of other users in the room.
// Users can only receive callbacks when the isUserStatusNotify property of ZegoRoomConfig is set to `true` when logging in to the room (loginRoom).
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomUserUpdate = (roomID, updateType, List<ZegoUser> userList) {
'onRoomUserUpdate: roomID: $roomID, updateType: ${}, userList: ${ => e.userID)}');
// Callback for updates on the status of the streams in the room.
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomStreamUpdate = (roomID, updateType, List<ZegoStream> streamList, extendedData) {
'onRoomStreamUpdate: roomID: $roomID, updateType: $updateType, streamList: ${ => e.streamID)}, extendedData: $extendedData');
if (updateType == ZegoUpdateType.Add) {
for (final stream in streamList) {
} else {
for (final stream in streamList) {
// Callback for updates on the current user's room connection status.
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomStateUpdate = (roomID, state, errorCode, extendedData) {
'onRoomStateUpdate: roomID: $roomID, state: ${}, errorCode: $errorCode, extendedData: $extendedData');
// Callback for updates on the current user's stream publishing changes.
ZegoExpressEngine.onPublisherStateUpdate = (streamID, state, errorCode, extendedData) {
'onPublisherStateUpdate: streamID: $streamID, state: ${}, errorCode: $errorCode, extendedData: $extendedData');
void stopListenEvent() {
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomUserUpdate = null;
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomStreamUpdate = null;
ZegoExpressEngine.onRoomStateUpdate = null;
ZegoExpressEngine.onPublisherStateUpdate = null;
To log in to a room, call the loginRoom
To log out, you can call the logoutRoom
Future<ZegoRoomLoginResult> loginRoom() async {
// The value of `userID` is generated locally and must be globally unique.
final user = ZegoUser(widget.localUserID, widget.localUserName);
// The value of `roomID` is generated locally and must be globally unique.
final roomID = widget.roomID;
// onRoomUserUpdate callback can be received when "isUserStatusNotify" parameter value is "true".
ZegoRoomConfig roomConfig = ZegoRoomConfig.defaultConfig()..isUserStatusNotify = true;
if (kIsWeb) {
// ! ** Warning: ZegoTokenUtils is only for use during testing. When your application goes live,
// ! ** tokens must be generated by the server side. Please do not generate tokens on the client side!
roomConfig.token = ZegoTokenUtils.generateToken(appID, serverSecret, widget.localUserID);
// log in to a room
// Users must log in to the same room to call each other.
return ZegoExpressEngine.instance.loginRoom(roomID, user, config: roomConfig).then((ZegoRoomLoginResult loginRoomResult) {
debugPrint('loginRoom: errorCode:${loginRoomResult.errorCode}, extendedData:${loginRoomResult.extendedData}');
if (loginRoomResult.errorCode == 0) {
} else {
.showSnackBar(SnackBar(content: Text('loginRoom failed: ${loginRoomResult.errorCode}')));
return loginRoomResult;
Future<ZegoRoomLogoutResult> logoutRoom() async {
return ZegoExpressEngine.instance.logoutRoom(widget.roomID);
To start the local video preview and to render it, call the startPreview
To stop the local video preview, call the stopPreview
Future<void> startPreview() async {
await ZegoExpressEngine.instance.createCanvasView((viewID) {
localViewID = viewID;
ZegoCanvas previewCanvas = ZegoCanvas(viewID, viewMode: ZegoViewMode.AspectFill);
ZegoExpressEngine.instance.startPreview(canvas: previewCanvas);
}).then((canvasViewWidget) {
setState(() => localView = canvasViewWidget);
Future<void> stopPreview() async {
if (localViewID != null) {
await ZegoExpressEngine.instance.destroyCanvasView(localViewID!);
setState(() {
localViewID = null;
localView = null;
To start publishing a local audio or video stream to remote users, call the startPublishingStream
To stop the stream publishing, call the stopPublishingStream
Future<void> startPublish() async{
// After calling the `loginRoom` method, call this method to publish streams.
// The StreamID must be unique in the room.
String streamID = '${widget.roomID}_${widget.localUserID}_call';
return ZegoExpressEngine.instance.startPublishingStream(streamID);
Future<void> stopPublish() async {
return ZegoExpressEngine.instance.stopPublishingStream();
To start playing a remote video stream, call startPlayingStream
And to stop the stream playing, call the stopPlayingStream
Future<void> startPlayStream(String streamID) async {
// Start to play streams. Set the view for rendering the remote streams.
await ZegoExpressEngine.instance.createCanvasView((viewID) {
remoteViewID = viewID;
ZegoCanvas canvas = ZegoCanvas(viewID, viewMode: ZegoViewMode.AspectFill);
ZegoExpressEngine.instance.startPlayingStream(streamID, canvas: canvas);
}).then((canvasViewWidget) {
setState(() => remoteView = canvasViewWidget);
Future<void> stopPlayStream(String streamID) async {
if (remoteViewID != null) {
setState(() {
remoteViewID = null;
remoteView = null;
When your app starts, you need to call the createEngine
method to initialize the SDK.
void main() {
runApp(const MyApp());
⚠️ Reminder:
The call to createEngine()
needs to be delayed due to the limitations of Flutter-Web. Typically, it can be triggered by the user clicking the login button. For detailed instructions, refer to the demo attached to this doc.
Open the file your_project/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
, and add the following code:
<!-- Permissions required by the SDK -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS" />
<!-- Permissions required by the Demo App -->
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
<uses-feature android:glEsVersion="0x00020000" android:required="true" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
<uses-feature android:name="" />
Because Android 6.0 requires dynamic permissions to be applied for some more important permissions, you cannot apply for static permissions only through the "AndroidMainfest.xml" file. Please find a third-party flutter plug-in on pub to implement by yourself, or refer to the Android native layer and execute the following code, where "requestPermissions" is the method of "Activity".
String[] permissionNeeded = {
if (ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, "android.permission.CAMERA") != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED ||
ContextCompat.checkSelfPermission(this, "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO") != PackageManager.PERMISSION_GRANTED) {
requestPermissions(permissionNeeded, 101);
The optional permission android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE
is only used to implement the processing of SDK interrupt events, so it only needs to be declared in the AndroidMainfest.xml file, and does not need to be dynamically applied for (you will need to process it separately if you got more needs).
To prevent obfuscation of the SDK public class names, do the following:
a. In your project's your_project > android > app
folder, create a
file with the following content as shown below:
-keep class **.zego.** { *; }
b. Add the following config code to the release
part of the your_project/android/app/build.gradle
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
To add permissions, open your_project/ios/Runner/Info.plist
, and add the following code to the dict
<string>We require camera access to connect to a call</string>
<string>We require microphone access to connect to a call</string>
For general considerations regarding Flutter Web projects, refer to the Flutter Web FAQ.
To configure your other platform apps, Video Call SDK doesn't require more special configs, while you will need to follow the docs below to set up your Flutter project's basic configs:
To test your implementation, run your app project on a real device. Upon successful running, you can view the local video.
For your convenience of testing experience, we got you a Web platform for debugging. On the debugging page, you can enter the AppID and room ID of the real device user, and a different user ID to log in to the same room for communicating with the real device user. After a video call starts successfully, you can hear the remote audio and view the remote video.
How to deal with the error [!] Unable to install vendored xcframework 'ZegoExpressEngine' for Pod 'zego_express_engine', because it contains both static and dynamic frameworks.
when I build on iOS device?
First, please check the version of your local CocoaPods. If you are using Xcode 14 or later, you must have CocoaPods 1.12.0 or later. If your CocoaPods version is too low, please upgrade to the latest version to resolve this issue.
If the issue still persists, it may be because the unpacking process of the locally dependent SDK package has resulted in the loss of symbolic links in the native iOS xcframework used in the SDK package, causing the symbolic links to become regular files. You can check if the following files in the locally dependent SDK package are symbolic links. If they are not symbolic links, it will cause this issue. In that case, you can try a different method of unpacking the SDK package.
Resolution And Pricing Attention!
Please pay close attention to the relationship between video resolution and price when implementing video call, live streaming, and other video scenarios.
When playing multiple video streams in the same room, the billing will be based on the sum of the resolutions, and different resolutions will correspond to different billing tiers.
The video streams that are included in the calculation of the final resolution are as follows:
Before your app goes live, please make sure you have reviewed all configurations and confirmed the billing tiers for your business scenario to avoid unnecessary losses. For more details, please refer to Pricing.